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Documentation » Dashboard


Watch the Overview or Continue Reading to Learn About our Dashboard

View Control

You can switch between views by selecting one of two icons in the View Control located in the upper right of the Dashboard page:

Thumbnail View

Displays your active and completed camera thumbnails in a grid layout.

Camera View

Lists your active cameras as well as completed camera thumbnails sorted by project.

Project View

Displays your active and completed projects along with a list of the cameras within each project.

Map View

Shows a geographical view of your active and completed projects.

The last view selected is the default page for the dashboard. For example, if your last view on the dashboard was the project view, the next time you log in or navigate back to the dashboard, the project view will be displayed.


Project View

When you click the project view, you will see a list of your projects and their associated cameras. The project tab has active projects displayed by default. To view completed projects, click the completed tab. 

From the project view, you can toggle between a view of active or completed projects. You can also add a camera to your favorites or view any of the following:

  • Time-Lapses
  • Live View
  • Default View
  • Security Recordings
  • Photo Albums

The following statuses are associated with the project view:

A green bar indicates active projects.
A gray bar indicates completed projects.

From this view, you can see the current weather conditions at each project’s location and the number of live cameras for each project.

Note: Users only have access to the projects they are assigned to. The Customer Admin has complete control over which projects each user can access. If a user is given access to only one project, they will not be able to access the main dashboard or the drop-down list of other projects.


Camera View

When you click the camera view, you will see a thumbnail image of all of your active cameras grouped by project. The cameras tab is shown by default and it lists all active cameras. To view previous camera media, click the completed tab.

Camera View

Camera Statuses

The following statuses are associated with the Camera view:

A green bar indicates online camera(s).
A gray bar indicates completed cameras.
A yellow bar indicates your favorite cameras.
A red bar indicates active jobsite surveillance alerts (if applicable).

Favorite Cameras

Favorite cameras are displayed at the top of the camera view for quick access.

To mark a camera as favorite, click on the vertical ellipses on the right edge of that camera’s thumbnail. Then select the star icon.

Favorite Cameras

Map View

Locating a Project

From the dashboard, click the map icon

From this view, you can geographically locate your projects. By default, your active projects are displayed on the map and the map is centered based on where a majority of your projects are located.

Single Project
If only one project is located in an area, the project is represented by a single map marker.
Multiple Project
If you have multiple projects located in an area, those projects are represented by a blue map marker. The number is how many projects are located in that area.
Active Project
Active projects are identified by a green map marker and only displayed on the projects tab.
Completed Project
Completed projects are identified by a gray map marker and only displayed on the completed tab.
Full Screen View
To view in full screen, click the full screen icon.
Terrain View
To show terrain, click map and then check terrain.
Satellite View
To switch from map (the default) to satellite, click satellite. Labels can be checked to see location labels/borders or unchecked to hide those.
Zoom In/Out
You can use the zoom controller to zoom in and out on the map.

Map View Project Details

You can view the details of a project from the map by clicking on the desired map pin.

Map View Project Details


Live View
You can click the camera icon to view the camera’s Live View page.
The weather is also displayed for that project’s location.

Project Carousel

You can also view your projects using the project carousel which is located at the bottom left of the map and collapsed by default. Click to expand the carousel and browse with the side arrows or select a project you wish to view.


Thumbnail View

Clicking the thumbnail view icon will lay out your cameras in a grid. Each square shows a preview from the camera, the project the camera is on, and the type of camera. A green header means it’s a multi-camera unit, such as a TrueShield Security Solution.

Hovering your mouse over the weather icon will provide the current temperature at the camera’s location. Hovering over the location icon will list the address of the camera’s location.

The camera and folder icons represent the status of the device and project:

Device active

Device off (completed project)

Device offline (can not connect)

Project active

Project complete

The top row above the devices controls the thumbnail view’s functions.

The upper-left zoom bar will show less or more devices on screen.

The Devices/Project buttons toggle between displaying each device or grouping devices into their projects. The Active/Completed/All buttons toggle between displaying active, completed, or all devices/projects.

Show Only Favorites filters out any cameras not marked a favorite.

Note: At this time, favorites can only be added on the camera and project views.

The top-right buttons change your view: thumbnail view, camera view, project view, and map view.


Global Actions
There are several actions located in the header that you can use to navigate to key areas.

Global Search This icon allows you to search within the platform.
Account Options:

  • My Info: edit your account information.
  • Preferences: change temperature settings for weather.
  • Linked Cameras: link additional TrueLook cameras into your account.
  • Integrations: set up your integration with Autodesk or Procore.
  • Subscriptions: set up or edit your email subscriptions.
  • Log out
Click the Notification icon to view alerts. Unread alerts are indicated by a red circle.
The help icon links you to for help articles and how to videos.
The settings icon allows you to:

  • User Management: add/edit user access.
  • Camera Settings: adjust settings for all your cameras.
Resource Center
Allows you to view announcements, give feedback, and launch product guides.          

Global search allows you to search for the following artifacts from any page within the TrueLook platform:

  • Projects
  • Cameras
  • Photo Albums
  • Photos
  • Movies
  • Time-Lapse Movies

How to Search

Enter at least three characters into the search box and results will appear in order of relevance. You can limit your results with the checkboxes by unchecking areas you don’t want to be included in the search.

Search Results

If results are available based on your search criteria, you will see the total number of search results available and the list of options. You can scroll (if necessary) to find your desired result and select it to go to that area of the platform.

The icons next to each search result indicate what type of result it is:

Represents Time-lapse movie(s) results.
Represents camera(s) results.
Represents Project(s) results.
Represents Photo Album(s) results.
Represents Photo(s) results.

Clearing Search Results

You can click the “x” in the search box to reset/clear your search.

No Search Results

If no search results are available, you will receive a message that reads “NO RESULTS FOUND”.


A breadcrumb menu appears after you navigate away from the dashboard.

Breadcrumb Menu

From the breadcrumb menu, you can navigate to other projects and cameras or view various media files for the camera you’ve currently selected.

Switching Between Projects

Click the project name in the breadcrumb menu to see a list of your projects. Select the project you want to switch to and the new project will be opened on its live view page.

Project Breadcrumb Menu

Note: You can switch between Project View and Camera View in the camera breadcrumb menu by clicking the appropriate icon.


Switching between Cameras

Click the camera name in the breadcrumb menu to see a list of your cameras. Select the camera you want to switch to and the new camera’s live view page will open.

Camera Breadcrumb Menu Option

Viewing Project Data and Files

Click the media file breadcrumb (on the live viewing page, it reads “Live”). A list of your options will display so you can select the data type you’d like to view.

Media File Breadcrumb Menu Option